The Foundation is providing medical care for those less fortunate, here in the United States. People from everywhere have made South Florida their home, dramatically increasing the population in urban areas. Many migrant workers and their families are struggling to make a living with what few skills they have. Unfortunately for them, medical insurance is a thing they have to live without.
The Foundation has sent teams to address these realities and has begun to send assistance to help these people and bridge the gap between “the source and the need”.
Liberty City, Florida, near Miami, Florida, was chosen as the first place the team would go. Still struggling to erase the scars of civil strife as far back as the eighties, this community is still in great need. There are no longer large retail department stores. Shopping precincts are still quite dormant, despite a group of small shopkeepers keeping the town alive.
Promoting our free clinic on the local radio station and informing local church leaders of our work, the Foundation was able to help many Haitians and Hispanic families at their point of need. Leading a team of five doctors, four nurses, one physician’s assistant, a pharmacist and eight volunteers, FHH was able to attend to everyone who came. Serious cases were referred to local hospitals in Miami for further treatment.
Other areas like Liberty City are crying out for medical care. FHH assist the needy, less fortunate families during the holidays providing food and toys for the children through different churches and ministries.